Goryunov Alexander Pavlovich


Position: Deputy Director of Science

Academic degree, academic rank: Candidate of Economics


Address: 153 Tikhookeanskaya street, Khabarovsk, 680042, Russia

Phone: (4212) 22-56-58

Fax: (4212) 22-59-16

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Research Interests:

  • International economic relations
  • Regional development


The most important publications are:

  • Shlyakhovoi A.Z., Goryunov A.P. The Financial Credit Sector: The Regional Dynamics Aspect. 2008. 192 p.
  • Minakir P.A., Vlasyuk L.I., Goryunov A.P.Synthesis of technological and economic approaches in long-term regional forecast. European Journal of Economic Studies. 2012. Volume 2. №2. p. 117-130.
  • Minakir P.A., Goryunov A.P. Global economic crisis: theoretical and practical aspects. The Bulletin of FEBRAS. 2009. №4. p. 130-146
  • GoryunovA.P. Global economic-financial crisis anditsmanifestationinRussia. Spatial Economics. 2009. №2. p. 32-46.
  • Shlyakhovoi A.Z., Goryunov A.P. Interdependence of financial and real sectors of economy: theoretical aspects. The Bulletin of FEBRAS. 2007. №5. p. 28-36.
  • DevaevaE.I., Goryunov A.P.,Kotova T.E. Spatial distribution of the effects of Russia’s WTO accession: foreign trade aspect. Spatial Economics. 2007. №4. p. 40-51

Grants and Contests (2010-2014):

  • RHSF Grant№ 11-02-00566а «Spatial economics: synthesis of socio-economic and scientific-technological forecasts (theory, methodology, methods)». Executive.
  • RHSF Grant№ 13-02-00011а «The problems of cyclicity of evolution of economics pace: theoreticalandpracticalaspects». Executive.

Teaching and personnel training:

  • One candidate’s dissertation was prepared and defended under academic guidance


153 Tikhookeanskaya Street,




Tel: +7 (4212) 725-225;

Fax: +7 (4212) 225-916.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.