Renzin Oleg Markovich
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Academic degree, academic rank: Candidate of Economics Contacts: Address: 153 Tikhookeanskaya street, Khabarovsk, 680042, Russia Phone: (4212) 72-48-55 Fax: (4212) 22-59-16 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Research Interests:
- Local financial institutes, functional and spatial transformation of financial institutes and tools
- Economic cooperation and financial integration in the Pacific Rim, evaluation of effects
The author has more than 180 scientific works published in Russia and abroad (in China, Korea, USA, Japan and France). The most important publications are:
- Economy of Far East: Prospects of Speeding. 1986. (co-authored with Minakir P.A., Chichkanov V.P.)
- Formation of financial base of region. Vladivostok: Dalnauka. 2001. (co-authored with Ivanchenko O.G., Leonov S.N.)
- Institutional Aspects of Industrial Policy of Japan. Khabarovsk: KSAEL. 2006. (co-authored with Butukhanov A.V., Popov D.A.)
- Formation of Market Infrastructure in Far East. The Bulletin of FEB RAS. 1992. №№ 5-6.
- On the Financial Base of Regional Development during Transition Period. Power and Administration in the East of Russia. 1998. №1.
- Problems of Economic Integration in the Pacific Rim. The Bulletin of FEB RAS. 1999. №6 (co-authored with Ishaev V.I.)
- Institutional Aspects of Banking Destabilization in Russia. The Bulletin of FEB RAS. 2004. №6 (co-authored with Ivanchenko O.G.)
- Economic Research in the Russian Far East. Spatial Economics. 2006. №№ 3-4 (co-authored with Minakir P.A., Demyanenko A.N., Sheingauz A.S.)
- Financial Strategies for Far East. Spatial Economics. 2007. №4
- The New Phenomena in APR’s Institutionalization: All-Asian Currency Project. Spatial Economics. 2007. №2 (co-authored with Kuchuk V.V.)
- Integration Potential of a Regional Financial System: Conditions of Implementation. Power and Administration in the East of Russia. 2009. №4 (co-authored with Suslov D.V., Shlyakhovoy A.Z.)
- Financial System Modernization Risks. Bulletin of PNU. 2009. №1.
- The Spatial Differentiation of Institutional Conditions of the National Economy Development. Power and Administration in the East of Russia.2009. №1.
- All-Asian Currency Will Learn From Euro’s Mistakes. Russia in the Pacific Rim. 2009. №3 (co-authored with Kuchuk V.V.)
- Institutional Paradigms and Regional Studies. Power and Administration in the East of Russia. 2011. №4.
- Prospects of Integration of Pacific Russia into the Pacific Rim: Scenarios. Power and Administration in the East of Russia. 2013 №1 (co-authored with Suslov D.V.)
- Formation of Spaces for Active International Cooperation in Post-Soviet States: Challenges and Prospects. Spatial Economics. 2014. №1.
- Reforming Economies of Southeast Asia: «Abenomics» as a New National Project of Integration. Power and Administration in the East of Russia. 2014. №4 (co-authored with Suslov D.V., Kuchuk V.V.)
- L’Extrême-Orient Sovietique. Face a L’Avenir (Soviet Far East at the Turn of the Century) Moscow: Progress. 1988. (co-authored with Minakir P.A., Chichkanov V.P.)
Grants and Contests (2010-2014):
- RFBR Grant № 09-06-00309 «Cyclicity of currency integration and disintegration during economy’s globalization (based on the example of the Pacific Rim)». Chief.
- 1989 –University of Economics and Law (Osaka, Japan)
- 1990 – Institute of Social System Studies (Paris, France)
- 2000-2001 – Hokkaido University (Sapporo, Japan)
Teaching and personnel training:
- 7 candidate’s dissertation was prepared and defended under academic guidance
- Silver Medal of VDNKh
- Honorary Professor of Far East Academy of Public Service
- Honorary Diploma of Russian Academy of Science and Labor Union of RAS